Ep 38 Marco Pasqua – The Flash Shoes Are On & It’s Game Time ⚡️
On today’s episode, we have the one-and-only, Marco Pasqua! Marco is an entrepreneur, a speaker—he’s many things. What makes Marco so unique in my eyes though is not so much his public life, it’s that he’s an incredible connector of human beings. Through this, he’s been able to create a personal brand for himself which has him rubbing shoulders regularly with some of Vancouver (and Canada’s) biggest CEOs. These are people I would LOVE to be in a room with, and I’m going to start by finding out what drives Marco…
On How He Got Where He Is
“My parents raised me to believe that nothing is really a challenge”, he says of the people who raised him. His Cerebral Palsy was sometimes difficult while he was growing up, but his parents never let him see that they were doubtful or stressed about the things he wanted to accomplish. He was able to take the can-do attitude they helped him develop to the business he manages today.
“I wanted to build a business out of helping people reach their full potential,” He says of his current speaking work. Marco is known throughout Vancouver for his work speaking with crowds and helping people see life with the hope that he does.
On How He Connects with an Audience
Marco got started with audiences very early. He was the star of the CBC telethon Timmy’s Christmas Telethon and raised a lot of money for great causes. While telethons have gone the way of the dodo, Marco took a lot of great lessons from working in front of live TV audiences to do his best work.
“Whether it’s an audience of 500 people or five people, it’s important to make a connection,” He says of his method for working with a crowd. He focuses on picking someone out of the audience and making the speech about a connection with them (while still making sure to scan the rest of the room). In the video, he shares some important tips for getting people’s attention, that’s wrapped up nicely by one of his favourite expressions: “They’ll never remember what you said, they’ll always remember how you made them feel”
On How He Feels about His Wheelchair
I had an interesting experience with Marco the first time I met him. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I googled appropriate behaviour just in case. In fact, I couldn’t even notice it minutes after I met him. He’s captivating and animated, and it’s impossible to define him in any other way than the person he is. At the same time, he doesn’t resent or try to ignore it.
“I’m proud of it,” He says with a nod toward his chair. It’s painted in attractive colours and additionally tricked out with lights and graphic design. “I use it as a tool of empowerment. Look what I’m able to do with it!”
How He Nurtures His Network
Marco has developed The CUBE Principle: Creatively Utilize your Best Energy.
MarcoPasqua.com describes The CUBE Principle as “a manner of approaching challenges which uses creative methods for problem-solving. The framework teaches individuals how to leverage their existing social circle, focus on doing the things they are TRULY passionate about and reflect on the type of energy they are putting into opportunities and interactions.”
It’s how he found his way to what he does, and how he focuses on getting better. To him, an authentic desire to give to other people is the most powerful connection. He thinks this is his calling, so it’s the energy that he tries hardest to perfect.
He sees three types of people in any networking event: connectors, collectors and jerks
Connectors want an authentic connection with you
Collectors trade business cards but care more getting many cards than a real connection
Jerks go to events, leave business cards and leave
“I try to be a connector”. He laughs.
On What Gene Simmons Taught Him about Body Language
“People are going to judge you on the first 10 seconds they meet you”. Gene Simmons told him only seconds after telling him he had a “shitty handshake”. Marco had a chance to meet Gene Simmons by approaching him as a mentee and got to share almost half an hour talking branding. When they were finished, that final line had the biggest impact on Marco. It helped him focus on every detail of the first impression.
Don’t Miss the Video
I had an amazing talk with Marco, and found out a lot more about him, including his advice for his 20-year-old self and the question that he’s always wished someone would ask…
Connect With Marco